Your higher purpose involves:
Leveraging strengths
Value-based living
Give back to community
Philosophy for life
Life goals
Comfort with the cycle of life and death
Living only for personal gain, status or following the status quo produces a stale life that lacks deeper meaning.
Determining our own values and making life choices based upon them (instead of values we may have inherited) allows us to live authentically and find what truly matters to us. When we recognize and use our natural passions, gifts and talents to give back to others, we live with higher purpose and become an inspiration for our families and communities.
Failing to live a life true to who you are with a purpose beyond just yourself can produce deep sense of loss and regret at the end of life. When we truly come into acceptance of our own mortality and short time on this planet, we can generate the courage to live vulnerably, authentically, and fully.
Getting Started
Knowing your higher purpose gives you a North Star that can guide your choices and actions. It offers you a beacon to check in and align yourself with.
Explore Higher Purpose
The Foundations of
Living Your Higher Purpose
Value Based Living
Living in your Zone of Genius & Utilizing Your Strengths
Authentic Living: Moving Beyond Personal and Cultural Conditioning
Living with Passion
Giving Back to Your Community & World
Creating a Life Vision
Tools & Techniques that
Support Your Higher Purpose
Defining Your Core Values
Clarifying Your Zone of Genius
Evaluating Your Strengths
Defining Your Life Purpose
Defining Your Life Mission
5 Wishes: Deathbed Exercise
Spending Time in Nature