Why Blaming Is Easier Than Choosing Responsibility
How Could I Possibly Be Responsible For This? We always have a choice. We can decide to be at the effect of whatever is happening to us...
The Number 1 Killer of Joy
Many of us are not even aware that it's happening. We simply feel tired, defeated, retracted, and sensitive. It can go on for days where...
The Nature of Transformational Collaboration
Until we develop healthier collaboration skills, and deeply connect to our emotions as individuals and communities, we will be limited in...
Why businesses can no longer afford to ignore employee wellbeing
The old assumption that an individual’s health and wellness is a personal issue, and not something a business should be involved in, is chan
Why Our Bodies Were Designed To Move
In modern day society too much time is often spent up in our heads, and our body gets neglected. We were designed to move and interact...
N.O.W. (Notice Open Wait)
CHANGE HAPPENS IN THE PRESENT MOMENT "When I look at my habits as practices, as something I am teaching myself, instead of a fatal flaw...
Mindfulness In a Moment
StartFragment MINDFULNESS IN A MOMENT Cultivate a positive mind-body balance in just a moment. 1. BREATHE - Pause and notice the quality...
10min Qi Gong - Creative Energy Activation
This is a great video for a variety of exercises to activate your chi (energy flow). Practicing Qi Gong will support you bringing your...
What Does It Mean To Eat Healthy?
Food is a critical energy source for our body and there are thousands of opinions about healthy eating. We like to keep it as simple as...
1 Reason To Never Miss Sleep Again
Did you know sleeping clears out the toxins from your brain? Sleep allows allows your brain cells to shrink up to 60% so the...